Monthly Meditations
- December 2024
- It is not sufficient to know about the Saviour; it is something entirely different to know him through intimate personal communion.
- November 2024
- In regeneration, the Spirit of God creates a spiritually-minded man.
- October 2024
- Oh, that it would please God to revive…a self-denying, self-sacrificing spirit throughout the Church of Christ in our generation.
- September 2024
- “The future is as bright as the promises of God.”
- August 2024
- The life of the Christian is a life of biblical carefulness.
- July 2024
- Walking with God.
- June 2024
- So often, some of the Lord’s dear people are troubled and anxious unnecessarily because they become deaf to their loving, caring Saviour’s promises of peace to those who trust him.
- May 2024
- None are so foolish as those who hear and know the word of God and yet dismiss it or neglect to apply it personally.
- April 2024
- Instant sermons?
- March 2024
- Christians may imagine that they are beyond being proud.
- February 2024
- Evidence of experience of the grace of God is a life of grace or graciousness.
- January 2024
- “My times are in thy hand.”
- December 2023
- Justifying faith is persevering faith.
- November 2023
- No one knows and understands the varied experiences of his people better than the blessed Saviour himself.
- October 2023
- God’s works of providence.
- September 2023
- “Have faith in God.”
- August 2023
- Every child of God discovers through experience that the Christian’s life is one of perpetual conflict in a war that continues to the end of their earthly sojourn.
- July 2023
- There are many mysteries in the life experiences of Christians, yet they are all divinely ordered and governed by our sovereign God.
- June 2023
- Personal holiness.
- May 2023
- Is biblical gospel carefulness evident in our lives as Christians?
- April 2023
- Amidst all the political, economic, and military upheaval in our world at present, God’s people can remain calm, confident, and steadfast in their faith because it is placed in the Lord God omnipotent, who reigns.
- March 2023
- During his earthly ministry, Jesus warned us of days approaching when many would capitulate to the pressures of an ungodly society.
- February 2023
- If it be not Christ’s will, it is my sin.
- January 2023
- If we do not give our very best in the service of Christ and for the spiritual good of our neighbours, “We do not well.”
- December 2022
- Is the spiritual health of Christ’s Church better or worse at the end of this year as a result of our contribution to it?
- November 2022
- Sadly, many of us are not good at ministering comfort to others.
- October 2022
- It is the hope of future Christlikeness that encourages and enables the Lord’s children to press on despite their oft-lamented imperfections.
- September 2022
- One of the pivotal lessons learned by the apostle Paul…was the sufficiency of divine Grace.
- August 2022
- The crying need of the present hour is for spiritual-mindedness among those who claim to be Christians.
- July 2022
- Christian parents need to be alert to the satanic determination to destroy the precious, God-ordained institution of the family.
- June 2022
- God’s promises to his dear people are so reliable that they should make them the happiest people on earth.
- May 2022
- Take heed of little sins.
- April 2022
- God’s word is the divinely-provided nourishment upon which our spiritual life depends.
- March 2022
- When a Christian can honestly say, “He leadeth me,” they have the confidence that all is well and will end well.
- February 2022
- Can I do better? Can I do more? Does my Saviour’s love for me deserve more and better from me?
- January 2022
- The children of God are not to fret themselves, but to look up day by day to the Saviour. Dear believer, this look will change your perspective on everything.
- December 2021
- “My peace I give unto you,” John 14:27. What an exceedingly precious gift!
- November 2021
- If we appreciate how much we have because of Christ’s sacrificial giving for us, and to us, is there then anything we dare for any reason withhold from Him?
- October 2021
- When God’s word, the Bible, is rejected as our personal, family, or national code of conduct, confusion reigns.
- September 2021
- In practical terms, every born-again Christian sees the world, and everything in it, as belonging to God. They claim nothing by entitlement, recognizing the legitimacy of God’s claim: “the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.”
- August 2021
- Dear believer, whatever your pressing needs, or those of your brothers and sisters in Christ at this present time, we have a source of help… The throne of grace is open and freely accessible to you.
- July 2021
- The importance of a living faith in the experience of every Christian cannot be over-emphasized.
- June 2021
- Are you happy to be nothing or a nobody in the eyes of men that the Lord Jesus Christ might be everything—the focus of all attention and admiration?
- May 2021
- Is there actual evidence from your thoughts that the spirit of your mind has been renewed by grace?
- April 2021
- He who knows all things knows when and how to strengthen even the weakest saint, to put the devil to flight.
- March 2021
- For the spiritually minded believer, the prospect of a home in heaven…is of more worth than all the treasures and pleasures this world can offer.
- February 2021
- When we take time to reflect, we discover that the most profitable experiences in the lives of many were during times of severe adversity.
- January 2021
- “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
- December 2020
- When our wills are conformed to the divine will, then we happily remain at our appointed post…ready to be called to account at any moment.
- November 2020
- Jesus Christ knows the secrets of your heart, even when it feels broken.
- October 2020
- “When I am weak, then am I strong.”
- September 2020
- Upon what is your mind feeding? Is your soul being nourished from God’s word, or are you hoping to grow spiritually while occupying your mind with shallow, superficial substitutes?
- August 2020
- In the hustle and bustle of life, it is easy to overlook this critical fact that God takes a thorough account of everything we are, do, and say.
- July 2020
- If…our experiences in life strengthen our faith in God and focus our eyes more steadfastly upon him, then they are productive of spiritual good.
- June 2020
- Does socialising amongst Christians need reforming today?
- May 2020
- During these recent months God has been addressing the nations throughout the world, reminding them of his power, but also calling this generation to repentance.
- April 2020
- As death presently stalks the nations, many are grieving, while others fear what might happen to them or those near and dear to them. Where can we turn at such a time?
- March 2020
- When God, through his word and providences, calls sinners like us to humble ourselves before him, to repent for our pride, we ought to be swift to respond.
- February 2020
- One of the most debilitating of human experiences is that of fear.
- January 2020
- The surest way to progress in any field in the year ahead of us is to keep close to Christ while listening carefully and obediently to his voice.
- December 2019
- Even well-intentioned Christians are being drawn into lifestyles that demand a greater pursuit of material gain to the detriment of their spiritual lives.
- November 2019
- Our lives have purpose!
- October 2019
- Because the child of God has many reasons for being happy in the Lord, this does not diminish the reality of sorrow in his or her experience.
- September 2019
- How different we would feel in our response to many scenarios and circumstances in our experiences, if we listened to Peter’s intercessor, saying to ourselves, “But I have prayed for thee.”
- August 2019
- “Have faith in God.” Jesus directed the disciples to exercise personal faith in God.
- July 2019
- “It is finished.” Christ did it all. Trust his finished work.
- June 2019
- When the Lord Jesus Christ speaks tenderly to you saying, “Thou are mine,” it is to remind you that you belong entirely to him.
- May 2019
- The child of God rests by faith upon the immutable fact that God knows everything perfectly.
- April 2019
- Our lot is cast in a day of much superficial Christianity.
- March 2019
- In his short epistle, the apostle James draws attention to the power and influence of what he describes as “a little member” of the body—the tongue.
- February 2019
- In the opening Psalm we are introduced to an important and profitable spiritual exercise: meditation.
- January 2019
- When we read the words in the book of Proverbs, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth,” (Proverbs 27:1) they remind us of just how ignorant we are of the future.
- December 2018
- The gates of hell shall not prevail.
- November 2018
- “Without me ye can do nothing.”
- October 2018
- The focus and quality of true Christian service.
- September 2018
- “Accepted in the beloved.”
- August 2018
- The apostle Paul, when writing his second epistle to the Christians in the church at Corinth, found it necessary to warn them not to allow Satan to get the advantage over them.
- July 2018
- When the Saviour states, “I know,” we can be confident that no one else can possibly know so much about any situation, or circumstances, as He does.
- June 2018
- One of the evidences for grace in the heart of a child of God is the spirit of thankfulness to God for all his merciful dealings with him or her.
- May 2018
- “And the disciples were called Christians…”
- April 2018
- “And we know…”
- March 2018
- John the Baptist was an outstanding individual, to whom the Lord Jesus paid tribute…
- February 2018
- “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.”
- January 2018
- As we take our leave of the old year and enter the new, we are aware of the passing of time.